Okay so recently I've gone on a bit of a mad one, and thought I'd share all the stuff I bought, I blame exams for all the stress buys. BUT I would like to really stress this is a collective haul since the middle of February, that's 4 months worth, some is for college, some is because I had a mental break down and some is because I have no Summer clothes.

First I'll go with all the none clothes related things, my first and worst / favourite purchase is the little crocodile in the top image, he was £12 from the Disney store and I bought him because of how much I love the Disney Faries, they're my fave. I also bought a bag £2.50 the new Tinkerbell Movie £10 and a Tinkerbell drinks bottle £5.
I also bought 6 EOS Balms because they are cheaper on Amazon and I love them, along with The Last
5 Years £7, Wonderlust £3.95, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healy, Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter, The Handmades Tale by Margaret Atwood, The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins.
So I may have bought a lot of clothes so much so I couldn't take a nice picture, see??
The first place I shopped at and mainly shopped at is new look, the first thing I got was a pair of trainers like the ones below except in blue, even though I kind of wish I got them in pink but now they're all sold out in both colours, I got them for £19.99 but then they were put into sale for £11, I also picked up this cute white a line skirt, I really like the fabric it feels really good quality, but if you have a larger hip to waist ratio buy the size up because it has a tight underskirt, £14.99. Next I got a coral lace sports bra, I have the same one in yellow it's the comfiest thing and coral is my favourite colour so I had to have it, especially for £9.99, the watermelon clutch is kind of an impulse buy, but it's so quirky and I love it, £12.99. I also got an over sized shirt, so easy to wear £17.99, these beautiful mint green courts £19.99, a floral playsuit which I actually bought 3 sizes too big to compensate for my bum but it has a tie waist so it's fine. The next thing I picked up without thinking about it, it was £5 in the sale and it is so flattering. I also got a sleeveless black coat for £19.99 and a checked grid shirt dress for £19.99 which I think is also in the sale.
The next place I shopped at was Boohoo, I first got a smock jersey dress like the one below except I got it in deep purple but I couldn't find the image of that one and that was I think £12, it's so easy to just throw on and wear to college. The next thing I bought was the bat-winged sleeved skater shirt dress for £15. The next dress is a bit of a guilty purchase, i saw a friend wear a similar one so I bought it too, oops, this was £15. The next two items I bought because they had my name in the title, but I loved them, the paisley skater dress is such a nice shape but it doesn't compensate for boobs, so if you're on the breast-y side, maybe buy the size up, £18. And last is this beautiful sleeveless jacket, (yes I bought a fluffy one and a none fluffy one), it can literally make any lazy outfit look glam, my favourite so far is with a 3/4 black jersey top and black skinny jeans with converse or uggs.
For a very long time I really wanted a pussy bow shirt and MissGuided was the only place I could fine one I loved, this was in the sale for £18. I also got a plain white top (so I could get free delivery) but also basics are my favourite thing to wear because I'm not very good in the morning and I think it was £8.
I also got a few things from Gap Outlet, they legit always have some sort of sale on so I can't remember the prices of these, but I got some legging skimmer jeans in a light denim colour, a really nice summery jean colour, and all my jeans are black and dark blue so it makes a nice change. I also got this white shirt with roll sleeves, again because I love basics and it's something nice I can wear to work.
At the moment I really love Topshop's duster coats, the one I initially liked they only had in a 12, 14 and 16 so I tried the 12 and it completely drowned me, so I went for this one instead, I'm really glad I got this one it feels like it's really classic and timeless so I can use it for a very long time. This was £89 but I got this on a day where they had a student discount offer.
I think that's me done for now, that should keep me going until August when I have to buy some autumn bits.**
**This is all my opinion and bought with my money.
Let me know what've you been buying recently?
Rachel xoxo
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