Okay, so I basically have less than 2 weeks until all my
exams, thankfully I’ve finished my Drama course so that’s one less thing to
worry about, even though I’m pretty sure my grade for it won’t be amazing,
still, one less thing for now. I have my first exam on the 11th May
which is Psycology PY1, Textiles deadline on the 14th May, English
Lit on the 15th May, then we break up for study leave (which I only
get a weekend for ;[ ) and I have my last Psychology exam on the 18th
and then that is my first year at college finished. Crazy.
A-Levels are seriously so hard, I did not expect how hard
the jump from GCSE to A-Level was, but I think I’m doing okay so far, but I won’t
jinx that.
To have a bit of a break from revision and work, I thought I’d
write a list of all the things I’m going to do and have to look forward to,
after my exams.
- Being able to blog more often and more interestingly
- I’d like to go to a few places I’ve never been to or not been to in a while like Chester and Llandudno
- Learning to drive
- Binge watching Netflix
- Actually having a social life, which is dormant at the moment
- Going to LONDON!!!!
- Staying up til 2am and lying in til 3pm
- Go to the gym more because FACT: sixth-form makes you fat if you don’t have a good metabolism
- Summer
- Not having to revise
I’ll leave it at 10 for now, but I am determined to make
this summer good and I have a while to do it
Let me know of any fun ideas you’re planning so I can try
Rachel xoxo